Website based Logistic Management Software
Branch / location master
Customer master
Supplier master
Item type master
Item category master
Unit master
Item master
Taxes master
Sales order from customer
Purchase order to supplier
GRN from supplier
Work order to factory
GRN from factory
Invoice to customer
Return from customer
Bill from supplier details
Payment received from customer details
Payment made to supplier details
Purchase order to supplier
GRN from supplier
Work order to factory
GRN from factory
Invoice to customer
Delivery challan to customer
MIS reports
Sales order from customer module
Sales order register
Customer wise sales order register
Location wise sales order register
Item wise sales order register
Purchase order to supplier module
Purchase order to supplier register
Supplier wise purchase order register
Location wise purchase order register
Item wise purchase order register
Item wise costing register
Supplier wise costing register
GRN from supplier module
GRN from supplier register
Location wise GRN from supplier register
Supplier wise GRN from supplier register
Item wise GRN from supplier register
Work order to factory module
Work order to factory register
GRN from factory module
GRN from factory register
Location wise GRN from factory register
Invoice to customer module
Invoice register
Location wise invoice register
Customer wise invoice register
Returns from customer module
Returns from customer register
Location wise returns from customer register
Customer wise returns from customer register
Item wise returns from customer register
Stock / Inventory module
Stock register
Location wise stock register
Item wise Stock Register
Payment to supplier register
Payment from customer register